DVDBluRayCovers - small

You can use this page to order a copy of a DVD or Blu-Ray that has been produced by Infocus Multimedia. Take a look below for the item you wish to purchase. When you have found the item you are looking for you can choose the quantity required and add it to the basket.

If the product you are looking for isn’t listed you can use the generic DVD or Blu-Ray items. Add the event title into the box before clicking Add to Basket.

When you have added all the items you can then pay easily and securely through PayPal. If you don’t have a PayPal account you can still pay by Credit/Debit card.

Use this item to purchase a DVD copy. Make sure you add the DVD title in the box below
Price: £15.00
Event Title:
Use this item to purchase a Blu-Ray copy. Make sure you add the Blu-Ray title in the box below
Price: £20.00
Event Title:


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